Why Play Pessimystic?
Playing Pessimystic is not only challenging and fun but provides benefits to Individuals and Families:
1) All Young Idealists and all Optimists of any age – play this game before you make any life-altering mistakes.
2) All Parents – prepare your children for the real world, not the world you wish they could live in.
3) All Pessimists – an opportunity to show others that Pessimists are the superior human being.

In addition, a wide range of professions require risk identification and assessment skills such as:
2) All Risk Management Professionals and all aspiring Risk Management Professionals.
3) All Project Management Professionals and all aspiring Project Management Professionals.
4) All Regulatory Compliance Professionals and all aspiring Regulatory Compliance Professionals.
5) All Government Policy Makers and all aspiring Government Policy Makers .
6) All Investment Industry Professionals and all aspiring Investment Industry Professionals.
7) All Legal Professionals and all aspiring Legal Professionals – Judges, Lawyers, Para-Legals, Legal Secretaries.
8) All Insurance Industry Professionals and all aspiring Insurance Industry Professionals.
The game poses 108 scenarios in eleven different categories of life and requires Players to identify the potential negative risks and prioritize them according to probability over impact. The game cards provide six acceptable answers for each scenario.
The game poses 108 medical questions on risks, causes, symptoms, and treatments for common and not-so-common medical conditions and provides four correct answers for each.