Question Reader's Role

  1. The Player acting as the Question Reader does not play in that round of play.

  2. At the start of the turn the Question Reader asks each hospitalized Player a different Medical Question in a clockwise order.

  3. Once all hospitalized Players have answered their medical questions the Question Reader then shows and reads the color category and the question of the Category Question.

  4. The Question Reader should announce as each Player provides an answer whether or not there is a match between the color category square that Player’s piece is on and the color category of the question because they will receive double the number of squares.

  5. Questions are presented as optimistic statements: “doing this activity never hurt anyone”. Players respond with pessimistic examples which refute the statement, i.e. answers that prove the optimistic statement wrong.

  6. The Player acting as the Question Reader uses their judgement to decide if the answer meets one of the acceptable answers for that question. The Player’s answer does not have to be exactly as the answer on the card, if the answer has the same meaning as an acceptable answer it must be considered correct.

  7. The Question Reader announces the number of squares each correct answer receives, or directs Players to the nearest hospital when the answer is incorrect.

  8. The Player acting as the Question Reader who will also judge the answers must perform this role in a fair manner.

  9. At the end of the turn the Question Reader reads out all of the correct answers. If there is a legitimate disagreement on the “correctness” of a previous answer the other players should be consulted, and a vote may need to be taken at the end of that round of play.

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