Medical Questions

1) Players NOT ON the same Color Category as the Category Question Card who answer incorrectly are sent to the NEAREST HOSPITAL and will land in “ADMITTING” and must answer a Medical Question at the START of the next TURN of play.
2) Players ON the same Color Category as the Category Question Card who answer incorrectly are sent to the NEAREST HOSPITAL and will land in “SURGERY” and must answer a Medical Question at the START of the next TURN of play.
3) At the START of the following turn Hospitalized players are asked a Medical question.
4) Both hospitals have three sections: ADMITTING SURGERY
5) Each hospitalized Player is asked a DIFFERENT Medical Question proceeding in a clockwise direction from the Card Reader. (Players can decide to use the SAME Medical Question for more than one Hospitalized Player at the start of the game).
6) There are FOUR correct answers for each Medical Question.
7) The answers to the Medical Questions are fact-based, however, the Card Reader may be required to use their judgement to some degree to decide if the answer given meets any one of the four correct answers or not.
8) If the hospitalized Player answers correctly they are back in the game via the “Exit” square for the hospital section they were in.
9) If the hospitalized Player answers incorrectly they move to the next section “SURGERY” or “TERMINAL CARE” and miss that turn of play.
10) A Player in Terminal Care who answers the Medical Question incorrectly moves to the CEMETERY and is OUT OF THE GAME.