Lateral Thinking 2
Lateral thinking can be used when there is not one correct answer to a problem. Lateral thinkers follow multiple paths of reasoning to identify a range of possible solutions. It requires one to conceptualize (imagine) a scene based on the scenario presented by the Card Reader.

Describe the motivations of the Characters
Describe the motivations of the Characters
• Why is this person returning the item?
• It was their original plan – just needed it for one occasion.
• Can’t afford it – needs the refund.
• Damaged it while wearing it.
• Don’t like it anymore – someone made a negative comment.
• Discovered that it was of low quality (buttons/ seams popped etc.).
Describe the action
Describe the action
- What is the item?
- What is the condition of the item?
- Does the Salesperson examine the item?
- Does the Salesperson ask questions?• How long does the process take?
- Are other customers waiting in line? What is the end result?