Lateral Thinking
Lateral thinking can be used when there is not one correct answer to a problem. Lateral thinkers follow multiple paths of reasoning to identify a range of possible solutions. It requires one to conceptualize (imagine) a scene based on the scenario presented by the Card Reader.

“Returning an item of clothing which you have worn never hurt anyone.”
Set The Scene
Set The Scene
- The return counter at a store – what store? Fill in the details? Big chain store or small independent store?
- What day of the week/ what time of day? Is the store busy?
Identify the Characters in the scene
Identify the Characters in the scene
- The Person returning the item.
- The Salesperson receiving the returned item.
- Other Customers waiting in line?
- A Sales Manager or Store Owner?
Describe the Characters in the scene
Describe the Characters in the scene
- Male or Female
- Age?
- Other characteristics? Is it the Owner of the store receiving the item or an Employee?