First Two Rounds Of Play

First Round Of Play
1) The Card Reader shows and reads the question category (color) and the first question.
2) Any Players whose game piece is on that color are identified as eligible for double the squares.
3) The Player to the immediate left of the Card Reader provides an answer to the question.
4) The Card Reader (Judge) announces if the answer is ACCEPTABLE (correct) and how many squares the Player can move OR that the answer is NOT ACCEPTABLE (incorrect) and the Player must move to the nearest hospital’s Admitting or Surgery section.
5) Proceeding clockwise the next Player provides an answer to the SAME question.
6) Repeat Step 4).
7) Repeat Step 5).
Second Round Of Play
1) The Player to the left of the first Card Reader becomes the new Card Reader.
2) At the START of the turn the Card Reader reads a Medical Question to any Players in the Hospital in clockwise order. A DIFFERENT Medical Question for each hospitalized Player.
3) If the hospitalized Player answers correctly they are back in the game on the EXIT square.
4) If the hospitalized Player answers incorrectly they move to the next section in the hospital and miss that round of play .
5) Once all Medical Questions have been asked and answered follow the same steps as the First Round.