About Us
What do you see?
A game that respects your unique skills:
Do you see the glass as always half empty?
Do you see the dangers that lurk around every corner?
Do you operate with the objective to “hope for the best but prepare for the worst”?
Are you able to quickly identify everything that could go wrong in even the most common everyday tasks?
A fun and challenging game.
Develops lateral thinking skills.
Develops risk identification and assessment skills.
Enhances your knowledge of Medical Conditions.
An entertaining way to prepare yourself and those you care about for the real world.
Generates great recollections and stories amongst the players about things that went wrong.

Much More Than A Game
The Power Of Pessimism
Embrace your pessimism as a super power that keeps you safe. Prepare the people you care about for the real world, not the world you wish they could live in.
Enhance Your Medical Knowledge
Players with poor pessimism skills who answer incorrectly wind up in the hospital and to be released the game tests your knowledge of 108 medical conditions.
Generates Great Stories
Players are reminded of events in their lives when things went wrong.
Risk Management
Develop professional skills while playing a fun game because most occupations require risk analysis.